A crucial component of healthTIDE's mission is creating equitable conditions for change in Wisconsin communities. To support this change, healthTIDE identifies, organizes, and/or conducts a variety of data collection activities and approaches that support our local and state public health agencies, local and state organizations, associations, schools, early childhood programs, communities, and other partners in identifying issues and solutions for us all to work towards.
healthTIDE Reports

Raising Latino Children in Wisconsin
Understanding Community Needs from an Intergenerational, Bilingual, Multicultural, and Community-Led Approach
This report is the result of a two-year effort to understand the needs of Latino families in Wisconsin from an intergenerational, bilingual, multicultural, and community-driven approach. In addition to providing critical data regarding the most important challenges experienced by Latino parents during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, this work also elevates and centers the voice of Latino parents and leaders, and provides an opportunity to explore more transformative relationships with communities.

Wisconsin Youth Conversations about School Meals
Students rarely have a voice in decisions that will affect what they will be served in their school cafeteria. In December 2023, healthTIDE and Kids hosted four Youth Conversations with youth from Black, Latino, and Hmong communities in Wisconsin to hear their opinions, needs, and desires regarding school meals. We hope that the results of these conversations can help to a better understanding of the school food experience in communities of color and guide positive improvements for students.

healthTIDE completed a policy assessment in 2019 to better understand barriers and successes that people and organizations experience when engaging in policy and advocacy work. Although the Policy Report was created and framed through a healthTIDE lens, it reflects the broader needs of communities across Wisconsin and opportunities for individuals, organizations, agencies, businesses, and communities to support health-promoting policy changes.

Health Equity
In 2017, leaders within the healthTIDE network sought a more intentional approach to incorporate health equity into their work. After reflection, the need to better support partners’ health equity efforts and improve diversity, equity, and inclusion within the network was recognized. After this initial phase, in 2019, additional information was gathered to 1) describe the progress and gaps in centering health equity and 2) identify opportunities for more meaningful and intentional health equity work.