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healthTIDE currently hosts an Early Childhood Team called Healthy Early.    Teams, like the network, are made up of partners from across Wisconsin including state agencies, private industry, nonprofits, and community members. Previously hosted teams: Schools, Healthy Food Retail, and Active Communities.

Healthy Early

Our mission is to improve nutrition and physical activity among children (0-5 years old) through a change in early care and education provider practices and policies to support healthy eating and physical activity.


Our mission is to reduce barriers to learning by creating healthier schools through students having access to healthy foods, nutrition education and opportunities for physical activity before, during, and after the school day.

Healthy Food Retail

Our mission is to create healthier Wisconsin communities by making healthy eating the norm.  This will be done through increasing access to and demand for healthy food and beverages in the retail setting.

Active Communities

Our mission is to realize a Wisconsin where people can easily and safely walk, ride a bike and be physically active. Connected, active places are cornerstones that link people and communities to a better present and future.


Additional work in our state is occurring with the Wisconsin Department of Health Service.


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Improve nutrition and physical activity among children (0-5 years old) through a change in early care and education provider practices and policies to support healthy eating and physical activity. Develop and implement a collaborative statewide multi-strategy, evidence-based initiative to enhance nutrition and physical activity among 0-5 year olds and their families. Engage with providers, families, community partners, and other stakeholders.

Why Early Childhood

is important

  • Children spend an average of 31 hours per week in regulated care

  • Over 170,000 Wisconsin children in regulated care

  • High rates of unhealthy eating habits and low rates of physical activity in children

  • High rates of childhood overweight and obesity

  • Disparities related to race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, geographic location

Our Priorities

  • Expand training and technical consultation for ECE providers on nutrition and physical activity

  • Strengthen nutrition, breastfeeding, and physical activity licensing and regulation standards

  • Strengthen Health and Wellness criteria in YoungStar (quality rating improvement system)

  • Improve and support family engagement, particularly related to nutrition and physical activity

Our Progress

  • Strengthened nutrition, physical activity, and family engagement points in YoungStar for 2017

  • Recommendations submitted to improve and align licensing commentary with best practice standards

  • Continued funding from Association of State Public Health Nutritionists to support Healthy Bites & Active Early family engagement project

How We Measure Success

  • Number of providers receiving breastfeeding, nutrition, and physical activity training

  • Number of ECE programs earning Health and Wellness YoungStar points

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The Active Communities Team envisions healthy communities across Wisconsin where people can easily and safely walk, ride a bike and be physically active. We believe that connected, active places link people and communities together to create a thriving present and future. Partners in our network collaborate to identify shared priorities and take action on specific statewide and locally-based strategies that will make healthy choices accessible for all Wisconsinites.

Why Active Communities 

are important

  • People living within 10 minutes of a safe place to walk are 1.5 times more likely to meet recommended activity levels than those who don’t.

  • Active places like parks and trails increase social connections and improve safety.

  • The majority of Americans want to walk places and spend less time driving.

  • Vibrant, walkable places help economies thrive and attract businesses and entrepreneurs.

  • More transportation options connects people living in economically distressed communities to critical jobs, education, and services.

Our Priorities

  • Increase local action on active transportation strategies (Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School)

  • Include active community strategies in local comprehensive plans

  • Include active community strategies in local recreation plans

Our Progress

  • Currently hosted and convened by 1000 Friends of Wisconsin 

  • Launched Wisconsin Active Together campaign and community designation to support local action on active transportation strategies! #WisconsinActiveTogether

  • Held Active Communities Workshop, with 85 participant communities

  • 17 bike friendly and  3 walk friendly designated communities

  • 10 communities have local complete streets policies

How We Measure Success

  • Number of community and state-level stakeholders participating in the Wisconsin Active Together campaign.

  • Number of municipal and local policies that support active communities (e.g., complete streets, safe routes to school, physical activity / active communities in local planning documents)

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Create healthier Wisconsin communities by making healthy eating the norm. This will be done through increasing access to and demand for healthy food and beverages in the retail setting. All work should reflect consistency, evidence/science, inclusivity, be practical, and focus on real health (not the latest fad). Current focus is to bring public health and food retail partners together to implement strategies in two distinct settings; food stores and restaurants.

Why Healthy Food Retail is important

  • Food retail environments influence healthy food access and availability

  • 32 million American adults shop at food stores on an average day

  • 1 in 5 US meals consumed (4 meals per week) is prepared in a commercial setting

  • Americans spend about half of their food dollars on restaurant food.

Our Priorities

  • Increase consumer demands for healthy fruits and vegetables

  • Increase access to and demand for healthy foods and beverages on children’s meals in restaurants

  • Increase demand for healthy foods and beverages in food stores through strategic marketing focused on fruits and vegetables

Our Progress

  • Launched Team FNV in Wisconsin through partnership agreement with Partnership for a Healthier America, with funding support from UW-Extension and WI Department of Health Services

  • Beginning new children's menu program to build on successful pilot of healthy children’s meal program in Winnebago County

  • YMCA Dane County partnered with Food Fight restaurants in Dane County to add healthy children’s meals​

How We Measure Success

  • Number of stores participating in strategic marketing efforts

  • Number of restaurants offering fruit and vegetable side options and healthy beverages on children’s meals

  • Restaurants with healthy children's menus

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We prioritize a student's complete health, physical and mental. Also, we look to ensure that students have access to healthy foods, nutrition education and opportunities for physical activity before, during, and after the school day.

Why Schools are Important

​Schools are one of the best ways to reach kids to provide health services and programs, as approximately 95 percent of all U.S. children and youth attend school. At the same time, integrating health services and programs more deeply into the day-to-day life of schools and students represents an untapped tool for raising academic achievement and improving learning. (CDC)

Our Priorities

  • Healthy school meals and nutrition education

  • Active Schools Core 4+ (60 minutes PA/day)

  • Essential Components of PE

  • Leveraging data to inform solutions and measure progress

Our Progress

  • Our partners consistently facilitate professional development workshops throughout the state in the areas of Active Schools, Physical Education and Food Service

  • We connect our partners to resources and one another to share best practices and maximize impact

How We Measure Success

  • Participation in WI School Health Award

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